201, Bd Ibn Tachefine, 20300 Casablanca, Morocco +212 5 23 32 13 05


Why inspecting ?
– To preserve the human lives against the losses or wounds.
– To protect material assets.
– To guarantee the availability and increase the productivity.
– To lower manufacturing costs.

Inspecting is not a luxury!
Inspecting is not a luxury or an optional choice for companies.It is an obligation regulated by laws and ministerial decrees.
In case of violation of these laws, the consequences can be catastrophic(human losses,fines, closure…).

Our services:
BCI offers the best services in industrial and technical inspection
For more details, please consult the columns corresponding to our services.

Our staff:
BCI has a team of engineers and technicians experimented and specialized in the various domains of the inspection.

Our approvals:
BCI is approved by State and insurances to perform regular inspection.